Curve Automatically Placed When Using Add Vertical PI /Insert Vertical PI

 Applies To 
 Environment: N/A
 Area: Geometry
 Original Author:Jacquelyn Pettus, Bentley Technical Support Group










I am trying to place or insert a vertical PI in a profile.  However, InRoads is automatically placing a curve.  How can I keep this from happening?


Check to make sure that you do not have Design Criteria toggled on by going to Geometry > Vertical Curve Set > Design Criteria. This command controls whether the behavior of Add Vertical PI / Insert Vertical PI is modified. When checked off then the Add Vertical PI / Insert Vertical PI command behaves as always, only lines are added to the alignment.  When checked on the Add Vertical PI / Insert Vertical PI command behavior changes. The software
looks up the minimum radius and optional spiral length from the Vertical Design Checks.txt file.