How can I display the level names instead of level numbers in a IPARM file?

 Applies To 
 Product(s):ProjectWise InterPlot Organizer
 Environment: N/A
 Area: IPLOT
 Original Author:Frank Reimann, Bentley Technical Support Group









Problem Description

How can I display the level names instead of level numbers in a IPARM file?

Steps to Resolve

Set the variable IPLOT_SHOW_LEVEL_NAMES = TRUE in the iplot.cfg file

How to do that:

Start -> All Programs\Bentley -> ProjectWise InterPlot Utilities  -> ProjectWise InterPlot Organizer Configure -> Configure …-> MicroStation -> Edit… -> Client – iplot.cfg TAB -> Text Editor ->

set the variable:


 -> File -> Save-> File -> Exist -> ok -> Close -> Exit Configure