Original Author: Bentley Technical Support Group
This Client Server article is republished in its entirety from 2007 for reference purposes.
InterPlot Client and Digital InterPlot are now a part of the ProjectWise family of products and have been renamed. InterPlot Client is now named ProjectWise InterPlot Organizer. InterPlot Server and Digital InterPlot are now combined as ProjectWise InterPlot Server.
The InterPlot Utilities program group that provided access to Accounting, Error Log, Help, and the Configure utilities has been renamed ProjectWise InterPlot Utilities. The InterPlot Reference Help that supported IPLOT, APLOT, Raster, and DPR is now ProjectWise InterPlot Help. The InterPlot Server Help and Digital InterPlot Help are now ProjectWise InterPlot Server Help.
The ProjectWise Plotting products including ProjectWise Plot Drivers are licensed exclusively through SELECT Server V8 XM Edition. Licensing of these products is no longer a real-time activity. Licensed applications do not need a constant connection to the license server, as long as they can connect at least once every 30 days. The primary goal is to ensure that the user is never shut out of the application.
Although the InterPlot products are now part of the ProjectWise family, they can be used without installing other ProjectWise products.
There are two ways to upgrade to ProjectWise InterPlot Organizer. You can remove a previous InterPlot version first and then install the new software, or you can leave that InterPlot installation and overwrite it with the new software. Each method affects your current configuration differently.
If you remove the previous InterPlot version, the ProjectWise Plotting software will be installed as if it were being installed for the first time in c:\Program Files\ProjectWise InterPlot Organizer, setting all customizable variables to standard defaults. You must then copy your previously saved configuration files, settings files, and resource files to the proper folders.
You can manually copy new configuration variables from the *.def file to the existing configuration file, or you can click the Reset button within the Configuration Utility. Clicking the Reset button copies all of the configuration variables from the .def file to the configuration file, removing any customized configuration variables. ProjectWise InterPlot Utilities will be added to Programs > Bentley.
If you choose to overwrite the previous InterPlot version, the ProjectWise Plotting software is installed in the same location as the previous software in c:\Program Files\InterPlot Client, with the exception of the configuration files. By default, ProjectWise Plot Organizer does not overwrite configuration files. Instead, it delivers *.def files to the configuration folders, which may contain new configuration variables.
ProjectWise InterPlot Utilities will be added to Programs > Bentley. In addition, InterPlot Utilities will still exist under Programs. Since the older product is not removed, the InterPlot utilities folder remains and the new driver pack links are added in the same folder. There will be some plotting entries under Program > Bentley and some plotting entries will be under Program > Bentley > ProjectWise InterPlot Utilities.
Similarly, there are two ways to upgrade to ProjectWise InterPlot Server from a previous version of Digital InterPlot, InterPlot Server, InterPlot Digital Print Room, or Digital Print Room Workgroup 10.x. You can remove the previous version first and then install the new software, or you can leave the previous installation and overwrite it with the new software. Again, each method affects your current configuration differently.
If you remove a previous InterPlot version first, ProjectWise InterPlot Server installs the software as if it were being installed for the first time, setting all customizable variables to standard defaults. You must now copy your previously saved configuration files, settings files, and resource files to the proper folders.
If you overwrite a previous version, ProjectWise InterPlot Server installs the new software in the same location as the previous software.
Note: If you plan to upgrade existing (prior to 10.0) archives, you must retain the previous installation and overwrite it with the new software. See the ProjectWise InterPlot Server Help for more information.
The DWG format for AutoCAD 2004 to AutoCAD 2007 is now supported through the IPLOT subsystem. This means that when invoking APLOT from the AutoCAD 2004 and higher application, IPLOT is being used under the hood. This requires that IPLOT design scripts and settings files be used. APLOT pen tables and settings files will no longer work for these versions of AutoCAD.
InterPlot Client 8.5.2 can submit plots to a plot server running ProjectWise InterPlot Server 8.9.x.
ProjectWise InterPlot Organizer cannot submit to older InterPlot servers. You must upgrade the plot server first to ProjectWise InterPlot Server.
ProjectWise InterPlot Organizer 8.9.3 can plot to ProjectWise InterPlot Server 8.9.2.
The ProjectWise Plotting Driver Packs can be installed on plot servers running InterPlot Server 8.5.2 or Digital InterPlot 8.5.2.
ProjectWise InterPlot Organizer 8.9.x can use MicroStation V8 XM (8.9.x) or MicroStation 2004 Edition (8.5.x) as the print engine.
ProjectWise InterPlot Organizer 8.9.x installs ProjectWise InterPlot Organizer for J to be used with MicroStation/J as the print engine.
ProjectWise application users can use ProjectWise InterPlot Organizer 8.9.x with ProjectWise 2004 or ProjectWise XM, but not both at the same time.
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