How to add Drainage Design to Longsection along a Road Centerline

 Applies To 
 Product(s):Bentley MXROAD
 Environment: N/A
 Area: Drainage
 Subarea: Longsection
 Original Author:Jason Walsh, Bentley Technical Support Group









It can be a requirement to show the Drainage Design (location of the pipes and manholes and associated information) on longsections along the road centerline. This can be achieved using the steps below.

Steps to Accomplish

  1. Open the Drainage scheme and use Scheme > Export > MDF File to create an MDF file.

  2. Exit the Drainage scheme and run MX > Add-in > Drainage (Pre V8.5).

  3. Create a new drainage model and click Next (it is recommended to call the model the same as the MX
    Drainage scheme name and Network name – e.g. DRAINAGE NETWORK 1).

  4. Click OK on the Warning Message.

  5. On the Drainage Design panel, select MX Drainage Format and select Read File.

  6. Select the MDF file and click Next (you may need to copy the file to a path which does not exceed 64 characters. This writes the data in the MDF file to the DRAI model in the MX model file)

  7. You can now use an input file of DRAW options (Option 829 for the drainage section) or DRAW command macro LONGDRAI to create longsection of the drainage scheme along the Road Centerline.

See Also

MX Support Clips, TechNotes & FAQs

Drainage Design