Report on Station of Alignment A and Elevations of Alignment B.

 Applies To 
 Environment: N/A
 Area: Reports
 Original Author:Andrea Garecht, Bentley Technical Support Group










How to create a report that provides even stations on an alignment "A" and the eqivilent station for an adjacent alignment "B" and its "B" elevation. The elevation would be associated with a profile of "B".


A report may be generated by going to Tools > XML Reports > Station Base.

Select the Alignment "A" on the General leaf of the command (in this case, baseline).

Define an interval on the Include leaf of the command.

Define the Alignment "B" on the Horizontal Alignments leaf of the command.

Hit apply and the command will generate a report that provides you with the stationing along the first defined alignment and the offset, elevation information from the second alignment.  Please review the report:  StationBaseCoordinates.xsl.