ProjectWise InterPlot Server is no longer activated and therefore a banner appears on the plot

Applies To


ProjectWise InterPlot Server / Bentley InterPlot Server

Version(s): /







Original Author:

Evert de Jong, Bentley Technical Support Group


Problem Description

ProjectWise InterPlot Server is no longer activated and therefore a banner appears on the plot
Steps to Resolve

It looks like there must be a technical reason why license are incorrect.
Steps to take are for ProjectWise InterPlot Server:

1)      Check if license server show correct licenses by:
in IE open site <license server>/bss/admin
Go to tab: License management – View License file
Check the expiration date.

In case expiration date is expired, the correct licenses should be uploaded from Bentley.

2)      Check activation status of products on plot server
Got to Start – All Programs – Bentley – ProjectWise InterPlot Utilities
Run as Administrator:  License Management Tool    (Right Mouse Click on License management Tool – select: Run ad administrator)
Check if PW InterPlot Server is activated.

In case it’s not activated:
Select: Tools – Send Logs now.

Steps to take are for Bentley InterPlot Server:

1)      Check if license server show correct licenses by:
in IE open site <license server>/bss/admin
Go to tab: License management – View License file
Check the expiration date.

In case expiration date is expired, the correct licenses should be uploaded from Bentley.

2)      On License server check if the Service: Bentley SelectServer Gateway is started.
When not: Start this service.

3)      On Plot server:
Check License file: <drive>:\program files\Common files\Interplot\licensing\ipsrv.lic

Contents should be:
SERVER=<computer name of Bentley SELECTServer Gateway >

In case an old node locked license is use, contents is text with server name and a

  4)     On Plot server:
      Got to: Start – All Programs – Bentley –InterPlot Utilities
     Run as Administrator:  InterPlot Server Configure  (By:
Right Mouse Click on InterPlot Server Configure – select: Run ad administrator)
     select Register -> Click here for product name and version information  
 Will return the registration information correct.

     In case this is not filled in: Select: Register  Click here for license file name and location   
     license file name and directory will be displayed.