General Geometry > Export to Native is not adding Verticals to Active Geometry Project

Product(s):InRoads, MX, GEOPAK
Area: General Geometry
Original Author:Chris Key, Bentley Technical Support Group



There is a horizontal geometry in OpenRoads that has associated vertical profiles, but when exported to native it isn't adding the Vertical alignments to the Active Geometry Project.


The alignments are not going to be added to the "Active" geometry project, but instead will be controlled by a setting on the horizontal alignment element information. 

Select the Alignment graphic and go to the Element Information.  There is an option under the InRoadsPersistData that needs to be set in order for the export of the alignment to go to a specific geometry project in Native InRoads.  If you have an existing project in native InRoads, you will need to type in the ALGName under the InRoadsPersistData EXACTLY as it is in the native geometry project.  This will change the ALGName field and also update the InRoads Export Data > ALG Name with the correct project .ALG file name.  When you run the 'Export to Native' command and select that geometry, it will now add the alignment with its vertical(s) to the specified Geometry Project.


If you do not change this ALGName under the InRoadsPersistData from the 'Default' project and you have a separate geometry project active in native InRoads, when you 'Export to Native' you will get the horizontal alignments created under the project but there will be NO vertical alignments assigned to it.  So if you are creating an alignment using the 'Export to Native' command but there are no vertical alignments, check the InRoadsPersistData > ALGName to specify the correct geometry project name.