ProjectWise InterPlot Server installation order

 Applies To 
 Product(s):ProjectWise InterPlot Organizer
 Environment: N/A
 Area: General
 Original Author:Frank Reimann, Bentley Technical Support Group









Problem Description

Is there a recommended installation order for ProjectWise InterPlot Server?

Steps to Accomplish

It is a good idea to always read the README file of the corresponding product before you start with the installation of the InterPlot products. The README file is located in the c:\BentleyDownloads directory after you have unpacked the software.

1. The "File Pooling" feature must be turned off on the ProjectWise InterPlot Server before you can print from the plotting interfaces.

To turn off "File Pooling “on Windows Server 2012:

From a command prompt, type: regedit.

Locate the registry key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print."

Select Edit -> New -> DWORD (32-bit) Value.

Set Value Name to "DisableServerFilePooling".

Set Data to "1".

Exit the registry and reboot the machine.

To turn off "File Pooling” on Windows Server 2008:

From a command prompt, type: regedit.

Locate the registry key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \System \CurrentControlSet \Control \Print."

Select Edit -> New -> DWORD (32-bit) Value.

Set Value Name to "DisableServerFilePooling".

Set Data to "1".

Exit the registry and reboot the machine.

What file pooling means?

"File Pooling" represents Microsoft's ability to reuse created files on disk for spool files. This occurs on Windows XP and Windows 2003 Server. As you know the old format for spool filenames was 0000X.SPL where X is replaced with the Job ID. The new method is the file FP00001.spl is created and reused by the spooler. Naturally if more than one job enters the spooler at a time, then the number is incremented. But they will reuse these files and there is no way to associate a particular job with the file name on disk. Since InterPlot requires opening up the spool file, "file pooling" must be turned off.

Microsoft information about file Pooling;en-us;815913

2. You *may* need to add the "Print and Document Services" Role to the SERVER

3. You *may* need to enable the policy for the SERVER spooler to accept CLIENT print jobs

Install the Softwareproducts using the option "Run as Administrator"

4. Install ProjectWise InterPlot Driver Pack on the ProjectWise InterPlot Server

5. Reboot

6. Install the Prerequisites for Desktop Applications prior to the installation of ProjectWise InterPlot Server v08.11.11.xx. This is not needed for ProjectWise InterPlot Server CONNECT Edition

7. Install ProjectWise InterPlot Server

8. On the ProjectWise InterPlot Server set permissions for "Everyone" to "Full Control" on the spool directory if global access to the printer is the norm. Access to the spool directory can also be enabled on a user by user basis.

Please note that the spool directory may be located in a different directory. You can configure the location of the spool directory as followed:


9. It may be necessary to unset the "Render print jobs on client computers" check box on a Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2012

To disable "Render print jobs on client computers"

Select Start > Devices and Printers.

Double-click the printer and select Printer > Properties.

Click the Sharing tab.

Unset Render print jobs on client computers.

Click OK.