How to edit Feature Tables with ProjectWise InterPlot Organizer?

 Applies To 
 Environment: N\A
 Area: IPLOT
 Subarea: N\A
 Original Author:Edwin Yepes, Bentley Technical Support Group


How to edit Feature Tables with ProjectWise InterPlot Organizer? 


The Feature Table editors (APLOT and IPLOT) have been removed from the pull down menus, but the executables can still be accessed by going to: c:\win32app\ingr\ipshare\bin directory. The file names are: apfte.exe and ipfte.exe respectably.

Please note that these graphical utilities are being phased out and will be replaced by Design Script and to some extent by MicroStation Pen Tables. The Feature Table editor currently allows you to save the files in the Design Script format. 

Update 10/22/2018: The executables for Feature Tables are no longer delivered with ProjectWise InterPlot Organizer CONNECT Edition.