MicroStation Key-In values for InRoads commands

Area: General



Can you use a key-in or set up a custom function key within MicroStation to call up InRoads commands?


In MicroStation go to Utilities > Key In.  Type in the word inroads and you will see it start to filter out the InRoads commands.  You can drill down into the different locations to see the commands' key in values. 

For example, if you wish to know the key-in value for the Traverse Edit command, it is located under InRoads > Geometry > Utility > Traverse Edit, so you can type in inroads into the key-in field to filter the values.  Select inroadsgeometry, then select utilities, and select traverseedit.  You will see the keyin value filled in for that command in the key-in value.  This can be used for the custom buttons or function keys in MicroStation as well as just typing them into the MicroStation Key-In to initiate the command.
