Show All Linear Targets in Target Aliasing

Product(s):InRoads, MX, GEOPAK
Area: Corridor Modeling



When I initiate the Target Aliasing tool, I get the following reminder.  What does this mean?


Prior to version, all linear elements in the active DGN or any attached reference files were automatically added to the Target Aliasing available targets list with no method to filter out unwanted targets.

Beginning in version, in order for a linear target to be listed as an available target alias, it is necessary to either:

To add the linear element in as a corridor reference, select the Add Corridor Reference from the Civil Tools Task menu:

Or access this same tool from the Corridor Objects dialog:

Once a linear element is added as a corridor reference using either method shown above, the element will be available as a Target Aliasing available target.

If you wish to show all available linear targets in Target Aliasing without adding them as a corridor reference, set the following configuration variable to "1".


When this variable is set to "1", all linear elements in the active DGN or any attached reference files will be automatically added to the Target Aliasing available targets list.


In the example below, the Target Type is "Linear Vertical" and the Linear Target is "A".

Because I have set up the configuration variable as shown above (TARGET_ALIAS_ALLOW_ALL_LINEARS=1), all linear vertical elements are available in Target Aliasing. I have three horizontal geometry elements in my civil model, each with at least one profile. Notice that my Mainline has two profiles, so both are listed.