Troubleshooting the Bentley-Civil Workspace

Product(s):InRoads, MX, GEOPAK
Area: Workspace



What do I do if I do not see the Bentley-Civil-Imperial or Bentley-Civil-Metric project workspaces in the "examples" user?


The article below describes steps to follow to troubleshoot the installation and use of the Bentley-Civil workspaces:

Troubleshooting the Bentley-Civil Workspace

The Bentley-Civil workspace is installed as part of the software installation. When properly installed and configured the workspace is available from the startup screen in the software by selecting the User named examples and the Project named Bentley-Civil-Imperial or Bentley-Civil-Metric.

Workspace Not Installed

If the examples user or the Bentley-Civil projects are not available to select when you start the software, check the following.

  1. Browse to the folder DRIVE:\\ProgramData\Bentley\{PRODUCT NAME}\WorkSpace\Projects\Examples\ where {PRODUCT NAME} is replaced with your installed product name and version such as (\ProgramData\Bentley\PowerInRoads V8i (SELECTseries 4)\WorkSpace\Projects\Examples\).

     NOTE: If you are using Windows XP or older software the folder will be DRIVE:\\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Bentley\{PRODUCT NAME}\WorkSpace\Projects\Examples\.

  2. Verify that the Bentley-Civil-Imperial and Bentley-Civil-Metric folders exist and that they contain sub folders and files.

  3. If these folders do not exist…

    1. Enter the windows Control Panel and select the Programs and Features.

    2. Right click on your installed Bentley Civil application and select Repair. You may need administrator rights to complete this action.

  4. If the folders do exist follow the ‘Workspace Installed but not Found’ steps below for the appropriate application to setup a new configuration file for the Bentley-Civil workspace.


Workspace Installed but not Found - InRoads, Power InRoads, GEOPAK, Power GEOPAK, PowerCivil, or Power Rail Track Software

  1. Start the InRoads, GEOPAK, PowerCivil or Rail Track software.

  2. Create a new User Configuration.

    1. On the File Open window, click the drop-down menu for the User and select New.

    2. Key in Bentley-Civil Workspace in the Name field and click OK.

    3. On the Create User Configuration File dialog, define the Project location by clicking the Select button and browsing to and selecting the \ProgramData\Bentley\{PRODUCT NAME}\WorkSpace\Projects\Examples\Bentley-Civil-Imperial.pcf file.
      NOTE: If you are using Windows XP or older software the folder will be DRIVE:\\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Bentley\{PRODUCT NAME}\WorkSpace\Projects\Examples\.

    4. Click OK to create the new user configuration file.

  3. On the File Open window, set the User to Bentley-Civil Workspace.

  4. You will now be able to select Bentley-Civil-Imperial or Bentley-Civil-Metric from the Project pick list.

Workspace Installed but not Found - MX ROAD Software

  1. Browse to the Bentley MXROAD installation location DRIVE:\\ProgramData\Bentley\ MX V8i (SELECT Series 4)\Workspace\Users\.
     NOTE: If you are using Windows XP or older software the folder will be DRIVE:\\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Bentley\MX V8i (SELECT Series 4)\Workspace\Users\.

  2. Create a new text file named Bentley-Civil Workspace.ucf.

  3. Define the _USTN_PROJECT variable in this file as shown below. NOTE: The file path needs to match where your software is installed and will be the same as the path used in step 1.

  4. Save the new Bentley-Civil Workspace.ucf.

  5. Start the MX ROAD software.

  6. On the MX Project Start Up dialog, set the User to Bentley-Civil Workspace.

  7. You will now be able to select Bentley-Civil-Imperial or Bentley-Civil-Metric from the Project pick list.