Outlook Msg Files are not full text indexing on Server 2012

Product(s):ProjectWise Integration Server
Area: Orchestration Framework
Subarea: Full Text Indexing
Original Author:Dana Guthrie, Bentley Technical Support Group

Problem Description

Outlook Msg Files are not full text indexing on Server 2012

I have installed Orchestration Framework and the Integration server on a 2012 r1 server, and I have also installed the required msg ifilter as directed in the implementation guide.  I am able to get file properties from message files but not full text indexing.

Steps to Resolve

Microsoft does not support the 32 bit msg ifilter on a 64-bit operating system running windows search.  The msg ifilter we refer to in the implementation guide is the 32 bit version.  Since Microsoft server 2012 r1 is a 64-bit operating system, the 32 bit msg ifilter listed in the implementation guide will not work.  The same problem occurs on a Windows 8.x system if you install the 32 bit version of office, if you put a message file on the desktop and try to search the contents windows will not find it..

  1. Make sure you are on Server 2012 r1 as the document processors are not supported on Server 2012 r2 at the time this solution was written.
  2. To fix the problem install a 64 bit version of outlook on the 2012r1 server.  Stop and restart the windows search service, and the Orchestration framework service.
  3. You may need to remark the folders where the message files live to be reprocessed.
  4. Run the command to start processing now.  Depending on how you have the schedule set to run the full text indexing process and whether or not the indexing is caught up, it may take a day to see the results.