How to show outlook message properties in ProjectWise

 Product(s):Orchestration Framework
 Area: Orchestration Framework
 Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group

Problem Description

How do I get outlook messages archived in PW to show the actual sent/received data, as well as the sent to and sent from information to show up in document properties.


In order to see the outlook message properties, You will need to have Bentley orchestration Framework and the file properties extraction running.
For more information on the extraction process. In the ProjectWise administrator help, do a search for Running File Property Extractions
Under the same heading see Supported file types for file property extractions
 You can also extract header fields from Microsoft Outlook message (".MSG") files stored in the datasource. Information that will be extracted from ".MSG" files are
document summary information
and mail message information

For V8i
The desktop search and msg Ifilter needs to be installed on the system that is running Orchestration Framework. In most cases it is the same system running PW integration server.

Since the desktop search and Ifilter are Microsoft and not Bentley software we do not provide instructions on how to install it.  The following comes from the ProjectWise implementation guide under the "new in ProjectWise" page 1-19:

MSG File Property Extractions
Microsoft Outlook is no longer needed on the ProjectWise Integration Server computer in order to extract file properties from MSG files in the datasource. Instead, you now only need to install an MSG iFilter (downloadable from Microsoft, which in turn requires Windows Desktop Search to be installed). Note that you can use this same MSG iFilter for file property extractions as well as text indexing.

So in short, install the desktop search and msg Ifilter on the integration server, reboot, then either start the file properties session or if you have set a schedule, wait for the scheduled process to run.

See Also

Product TechNotes and FAQs

External Links

Bentley Technical Support KnowledgeBase

Bentley LEARN Server

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