Saved Searches Permissions

 Product(s):ProjectWise Explorer Client
 Version(s):Connect Versions
 Area: Search
 Original Author:Roger Belen, Bentley Technical Support Group


How to give permissions to a user to create Saved Searches

Steps to Accomplish

At the root of the Datasource, and at the root of every Project or Work area in the Datasource, is a folder called Saved Searches, which is where you or the administrator can create saved searches. A saved search is simply a search whose criteria has been saved (using the Search by Form or Define Search dialog) so that it can be run again, or modified as needed.

 The Global folder under the Saved Searches folder of a work area is where users with modify rights for that work area can create saved searches for all users with access to the work area to use. Only users with modify rights for that work area can modify searches in this Global folder. Personal folders, whether under the main Saved Searches folder, or under the Saved Searches folder of a particular work area, are where you create your own saved searches, which are only available to you, and can only be modified or deleted by you.

Option 1 - Giving permissions to create Saved Searches from the Root of the Datasource

Each Saved Searches folder contains a Global and a Personal folder. The Global folder under the main Saved Searches folder is where administrators can create saved searches for all users in the datasource to use. Only administrators can modify saved searches in this Global folder.

Solution:  To give permissions to the user simply add the user to the Administrator group.

Option 2 - Giving permissions to create Saved Searches from the Root of the Project or Work Area in the Datasource.

The Global folder under the Saved Searches folder of a work area is where users with modify rights for that work area can create saved searches for all users with access to the work area to use. Only users with modify rights for that work area can modify searches in this Global folder. 

Solution:  To give permissions to the user. Modify the user permissions > Settings > Work Area