How do I copy the view columns and a list of files to Excel Spreadsheet?

 Product(s):ProjectWise Explorer Client
 Area: MISC
 Original Author:Dana Guthrie, Bentley Technical Support Group

How do I copy the view columns and a list of files to Excel Spreadsheet?


User is attempting to make a report using a view. Once the view was created the user did a search for the files they wanted in the report.  At this pointed they wanted to copy the list of files along with the view column data to a spreadsheet.

Steps to Accomplish

Option 1: How to copy a list of files to a spreadsheet

  1. With your view set, and the search completed, highlight a file or all files you wish to have in the report
  2. Right mouse click on the files and choose ”Copy list to” , “Clipboard tab separated”

  3. Open an Excel file and paste the data into the spreadsheet.
  4. The view columns will become the headers of the columns in Excel.

 Option 2:  How to copy a list of subfolders to a spreadsheet

  1. Create a view that includes the folder properties you wish to capture, then change to that view.

  2. Under your user settings \ Document List make sure you have the option to "Show Subfolders" turned on.  I believe this is on by default.  When you are in Projectwise and you click a parent folder and the subfolders appear on the right, then you have this setting turned on.

  3. Highlight the Parent folder

  4. Go to Document \ ”Copy list to” , “Clipboard tab separated”

  5. Open an Excel Spreadsheet and paste the data into the spreadsheet.

  6. The view columns will become the headers of the columns in Excel

  7. Note this function will only copy the first level subfolders.

Option 3:  Use Enumfolders.exe to report on Projectwise folders and files

Enumfolders.exe is a new command line utility included with the V8i release of ProjectWise, and is a part of the ProjectWise Administrator install.  The application is used to provide a way to report on ProjectWise folders/files. The program is also able to re-curse through the folder structure which allows a complete report of the hierarchal folder structure.  This can be very useful for users who want to export the folder/file information from ProjectWise, to a text file for review.   It can also be used for viewing the name of files and folders that have been deleted.  (Note:  this tool does not provide attribute data, only folder and file names)

For more information on Enumfolders see.  EnumFolders Technote