ProjectWise Error - Load changes from a central file failed

 Product(s):ProjectWise integration module for Revit
 Environment:Windows 7 64 bit
 Original Author:Raul Guerrero

ProjectWise Error - Load changes from a central file failed: An internal error has occurred.
Error may occur in Revit 2016, after synchronizing with Central or when changes are made and upon exit.

The error message appears when the synchronize operation is started from the dialog, rather than from the Revit Synchronize button.

Steps to reproduce the error are below:

1.       Create a local copy of the Central File in Revit 2016


2.       Make some changes to the model


3.       R-Exit Revit


4.       Select “Synchronize with Central” in Revit message box


5.       Select “ok” | You get the error message in Figure 1 above


This error is Revit 2016 specific and appears if the Synchronize operation is run from Revit dialog (e. g. the Sync Reminder or the Revit exit dialog.)
The workaround is to run the Sync operation from the Revit ribbon and not run the Sync operation from the Revit dialogs (on exit, reminder dialog).
This problem appears to be with the Revit application. Error appears in Revit 2016 but not in Revit 2015.