Using ScanRefs.exe

Scans ProjectWise documents and folders to detect various relationships between the files.


   scanrefs -d datasource [-u username] [-p password]

            [-mode scanmode]

            [-masters documentlist] [-masterfolders folderlist]

            [-priority folderlist] [-proximity [r:]number] [-order orderlist]

            [-af applicationlist]

            [-l logfile] [-lv]

            [-f paramsfile]




   -d datasource    Datasource name to connect to.

   -u username      Username for the datasource connection.

                    If this option is absent, SSO login will be attempted.

   -p password      Password of the datasource user.

                    If this option is absent, password prompt will be shown.

   -mode scanmode   Specifies a list of scanning modes to use.

                    If this option is absent, the tool will operate in "references;linksets" mode.

                     Possible modes:

                       references - scan for references.

                       linksets   - scan DGN documents for link sets.

                       urfcs      - update references from current set - no attempt will be made at creating new sets,

                                    only existing reference sets will be updated. If this mode is enabled, priority or

                                    proximity reference search paths will be ignored.This option is intended to be used after

                                    upgrading a datasource from a pre-V8.1 version.

                                    Note that this mode disables other modes.

                    Modes can be combined:

                       references;linksets - scan for reference documents and for DGN link sets.


  -masters documentlist       A list of documents to scan for references and/or linksets.

                               For more information see notes and example below.

   -masterfolders folderlist   A list of folders to scan for references and/or linksets.

                               For more information see notes and example below.


  -priority folderlist    Enable priority search for reference files in the specified folders.

                           For more information see notes and example below.


   -proximity [r:]number   Enable proximity search for reference files <number> levels above the master file's folder.

                           r: switch enables recursive search (includes subfolders).


                              -proximity 0   - look for references in the

                                               master's folder.

                              -proximity 1   - look for references in the

                                               parent folder of the master.

                              -proximity r:1 - look for references in the

                                               master's folder's parent folder

                                               and its subfolders.


   -order orderlist        Order in which the proximity and priority searches will be done (if both are enabled).

                           If this parameter is not specified, proximity search will take precedence.


                              -order proximity;priority - proximity first.

                              -order priority;proximity - priority first.


   -af applicationlist     Application filter for the lists of documents to scan - only the documents with matching

                           application names will be scanned. Example:

                              -af "MicroStation;AutoCad;Bentley Navigator"


   -l logfile              Log file path.

   -lv                     Use verbose logging - write more details to the log file. 


   -f paramsfile           Load additional program parameters from the file on the local file system.


   -q                      Run in quiet mode. No information will be printed in this mode.



   Folder and document lists are ordered combinations of:

      folder or document paths:

         "Top level folder 1\Subfolder 1.1"


      recursive folder paths (includes subfolders):

         "r:Top level folder 1\Subfolder 1.1"


      folder or document GUIDs:



      recursive folder GUIDs (includes subfolders):



   More complex example:

      -priority "Top level folder 1\Subfolder 1.1;{0031FAC5-9A8B-412A-AF13-F76B26A68E09};r:Top level folder 1\Subfolder 1.2"


   Notice that paths are specified without the virtual \Documents\ folder.


   Since the lists are ordered, the item first in the list will be processed first.


   Furthermore, a number of list parameters of the same name is allowed - in such case their contents will be merged into the same list in the same

   order as those parameters are listed.


   For example, the combination of:

      -masterfolders "Top level folder 3" -masterfolders "Top level folder 1;Top level folder 2"

   is equivalent to:

      -masterfolders "Top level folder 3;Top level folder 1;Top level folder 2"


   In the rare case when you need to use a GUID as an item name, or an item name starts with r:, you can avoid automatic recognition by prepending the

   name with a backslash character:

      -masterfolders "\{0031FAC5-9A8B-412A-AF13-F76B26A68E09}"

      -masterfolders "r:\{0031FAC5-9A8B-412A-AF13-F76B26A68E09}"

      -masterfolders "\r:{0031FAC5-9A8B-412A-AF13-F76B26A68E09}"



   Let's suppose the documents you are working with are located here:

      pw:\\\Documents\Top level folder 1


   These documents have link sets and they also reference other documents, which are located in the same folder and its subfolders.


   You can use the following command line to detect the relationships between these documents on ProjectWise:

      scanrefs -d -u user -masterfolders "Top level folder 1" -proximity r:0


   You could also use priority search instead:

      scanrefs -d -u user -masterfolders "Top level folder 1" -priority "r:Top level folder 1"