7602290 error creating document\folder and error deleting document\folder

 Product(s):ProjectWise Client V8i
 Area: General
 Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group


User is getting error 7602290 error creating document\folder and error deleting document\Folder when trying to create or delete a file from this one directory.


Checked that the storage area existed and has files in it.
No lock files where found
setup logging, restarted integration service
reproduced the problem and user sent in logs.

I found in the logs indicates that the space quota was exceeded for the tablespace
012-07-24 14:57:35,628 ERROR [0x00001cf4] pwise.database.odbc - Error 1536 "ODBC ERROR: HY000: [Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-01536: space quota exceeded for tablespace 'PW_DATA'" reported at func: dsqlOdbc_execDirect line: 1117
It is trying to write to the dms_audt table and failing

DBA fixed the issue with the tablespace quota and that solved the problem.

See Also

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External Links

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