InRoads Suite Product Comparison

Area: General
Original Author:Jacquelyn Pettus, Bentley Technical Support Group



What are the differences between the different InRoads Products (RailTrack Suite, RailTrack, InRoads Suite, InRoads, Site Suite, Site, Bridge, Storm & Sanitary, Survey)?


The short answer to this question is that each product contains different tool sets.  Some products have more, some products have less.  If you have questions or would like to know if a product contains a specific command or tool set, please contact your Account Manager.

The list below provides a general overview of the content of each product:

RailTrack Suite - Very comprehensive and includes all available commands with few exceptions

RailTrack - Includes all commands with the exception of Bridge, Drainage, and Survey commands

InRoads Suite - Very comprehensive and includes all commands with the exception of the Rail commands

InRoads - Includes all commands with the exception of Rail, Bridge, Drainage, and Survey commands

Site Suite - Includes all Surface, Survey, and Drainage commands, and most  Geometry commands.  Includes Template commands and Express Modeler.  Does not include Bridge commands or Roadway Modeler. 

Site  - Includes all Surface commands and most  Geometry commands.  Includes Template commands and Express Modeler.  Does not contain Bridge, Survey, or Drainage commands.  Does not include Roadway Modeler. 

Bridge - Includes Surface, Modeler, most Geometry, and all Bridge commands.  Does not include Drainage, Survey, or Site Modeler.

Storm & Sanitary - Includes all Drainage commands. Includes only limited Surface and Geometry commands.  Does not include Bridge, Survey or Modeler commands.

Survey - Includes all Survey and most Geometry commands.  Includes limited Surface commands.  Does not include Drainage, Modeler or Site Modeler commands

* "Power" Products are standalone products that include the MicroStation platform and do not require a separate MicroStation installation.

Note: This information applies only to SELECTseries 2 products.