Setting the default startup folder

Original Question: Setting the default startup folder by Stephanie Doherty

Does anyone know if there is a way to specify the starting folder that ProjectWise Explorer opens when the application starts, or if there is a way to automatically start it to open the last folder the current user opened before PW was last closed? We seem to get random results as to which folder opens when we start PW.

Verified Answer: RE: Setting the default startup folder by Jon Evans :

It should automatically go to the last folder you where in when closed, if not close ProjectWise and browse to here: C:\Users\"YourUser"\AppData\Roaming\Bentley\ProjectWise\Cache and delete any files located within this folder.
restart ProjectWise and it should then once again store the previous folder info correctly.

Verified Answer: RE: Setting the default startup folder by Jeff Burrill

ProjectWise will open in the last used folder of a datasource for a user after login IF their account is set to do that. In the user account properties, go the Settings tab, expand User Interface section, and make sure the check box is on for "Select last used folder in ProjectWise Explorer".