Working with Point Clouds in OpenRoads SS3/SS4 products

Product(s):InRoads, MX, GEOPAK
Area: Terrain Model
Original Author:Chris Key, Bentley Technical Support Group


Import Point Cloud Data into MicroStation

Import the file using the Tools > Point Cloud > Point Cloud > Attach to bring in the information and convert it to a POD file.



From here, use the File > Attach method to receive the Open dialog.  Search for the file that is to be imported.  File types that can be imported are the following: 

Pointools POD (*.POD)
Terrascan BIN (*.BIN)
Topcon CL3 (*.CL3)
Faro FLS (*.FLS)
Faro FWS (*.FWS)
Leica PTG (*.PTG)
Leica PTS (*.PTS)
Leica PTX (*.PTX)
Riegl 3DD (*.3DD)
Riegl RDB (*.RDB)
Riegl RXP (*.RXP)
Riegl RSP (*.RSP)
Generic Text (*.XYZ)
Generic Text (*.TXT)
All Files (*.*)
Converting file to *.POD

After selecting the file to import, a dialog will appear that asks if the file is to be converted. This is where the file can be converted to a *.POD file and options can be specified for converting the data.  If this is something to be worked on over time, it is required to convert the file to a *.POD format for later usage.  In this example, I am importing an LAS file to create the POD.

View Attributes

One important thing to check when you import the file and it converts to the POD format is the View Attributes.  Open the Settings > View Attributes and at the very bottom there is an option for the Point Cloud Presentation.  Make sure this Style is set to ‘Classification’.

If you want to only import the 'Ground' shots from the Point Clouds, this is the setting used. Under the Point Cloud > Presentations, make sure only the Ground option is on so it will display nothing but the ground classification shots.



Import Point Cloud into OpenRoads Terrain

When there is a fence defined, the Terrain tools will automatically honor that fence during the import process.  To work with manageable surfaces in InRoads/GEOPAK/MX, fences will be required to generate the surfaces.
Select the 'Create from Point Cloud' command under the Terrain Model tasks.


After selecting the option “Create from Point Cloud”, a Point Clouds Surface dialog should appear to select filters and tolerances. The filter button will display the results prior to selecting “Accept”.Once the filters have been approved, select “Accept”.


Export Surface

The Terrain Model tools will allow you to export surfaces in four different formats by selecting the 'Export to File' option under the Terrain Model tasks:  MX (.fil),InRoads DTM (.dtm), GEOPAK TIN (.tin), and LandXML (.xml).