Document is a set member. Are you sure you want to delete it?

 Product(s):ProjectWise Explorer Client
 Area: Integration - MicroStation
 Subarea: References
 Original Author:Dana Guthrie, Bentley Technical Support Group

Error or Warning Message

Document ‘drawing1’ is a set member. Are you sure you want to delete it?

I am attempting to move or delete a file that is a reference to a master. I am getting a message that the file is part of a set... what does that mean?


ProjectWise keeps track of what files are referenced to each other in the database. (i.e. a master dgn file with many reference files.) By deleting a file that is part of a set, and clicking okay to the message, the link to the reference, for every master it was referenced to, will be deleted in the database.

When do the physical master files get updated?

The next time you open a master file that referenced the file that was deleted, you should get a message letting you know that “One or more reference files has been renamed and / or moved. ProjectWise has updated the master file to take those changes into account."  At this point the reference file is no longer listed in the reference manager and is therefore not attached to the master.


Before you delete the file, you may want to find out what master files it is referenced to.

To find out what master files the reference file is attached to, right click on the file and choose, ‘Set’, ‘Referenced By’. A list of master files will appear in a separate window for your review.