Actions that Automatically Lock and Check Out Files in ProjectWise Integrated Revit
The ProjectWise integration module for Autodesk Revit will automatically lock and check out the Revit Central file and/or the permission files (*.dat) that accompany the Central file, when it is necessary to write to these files. Check out ensures that all files are up-to-date and that element and user permissions are correct. Typically, the files are locked when actions are performed that require element ownership changes or other permission changes. As of the ProjectWise V8i (SELECTseries 3) release, the following actions will automatically lock and check out the Central file and/or the permission files.
Actions that automatically lock and check out the Central file (*.rvt) and its four permission files (*.dat):
- Opening the Central file (not a local copy) for direct editing; the files are checked in using ProjectWise’s standard Check In dialog, which opens upon closing the Central file
- Opening the Central file for the first time to create a local copy; the files are checked in automatically after the operation is complete
- Opening a local copy of the Central file; the files are checked in automatically after the operation is complete
- Synchronization with Central; the files are checked in automatically after the operation is complete
Actions that automatically lock and check out the four permission files (*.dat) but not the Central file (*.rvt)
- Opening the Worksets dialog; the files are checked in if you click OK, or the files are freed if you click Cancel
- Performing Relinquish All Mine; the files are checked in automatically after the operation is complete
- Element Borrowing operations:
- Clicking the Borrow Element button or modifying an element with no current ownership; the files are automatically checked out and checked in
- Clicking on Place Request button
- "Auto" element borrowing with button click or modifying element; the files are automatically checked out and checked in
- Editing Requests dialog:
- Deny / Retract button click on your own pending borrow request; the files are automatically checked out and checked in
- Grant button click approving borrow request; the files are automatically checked out and checked in
- Deny / Retract button click denying borrow request; the files are automatically checked out and checked in
- Performing delete family which is owned by other user; the files are automatically checked out and checked in
- Performing unload link which is owned by other user; the files are automatically checked out and checked in
- Inserting a picture (image is added to view workset and automatically borrowed for the image adder); the files are automatically checked out and checked in
- Changing settings related to the buttons at the bottom of the drawing(permissions are granted the first time and kept until relinquished):