Error Opening Tin File in ProjectWise CONNECT edition

Area: ProjectWise



After upgrading to ProjectWise CONNECT edition, user opens GEOPAK SS2 and gets the following error when trying to load a TIN file: “Error Opening Tin File pw:\....”


Since GEOPAK SS2 was released years before ProjectWise CONNECT, it did not know the proper registry keys to look for to resolve ProjectWise CONNECT file locations.

Therefore, after a user upgrades to ProjectWise CONNECT, it is necessary to re-direct the old registry keys to the new CONNECT registry locations. A program can be downloaded from the following location that will update the registry keys to point to the correct location. be logged in to Bentley Communities to download)

To run:

1.) Download and extract the file “reglnk.exe” from the link above
2.) Right-click on the exe and select “Run as administrator” on any machine that is showing the problem.