How to upgrade Projectwise

 Product(s):ProjectWise Server V8i
 Area: General
 Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group

Problem Description

How to upgrade Projectwise.  Is there any documentation, or step by step process for upgrading projectwise?


Where to find documentation:
The documentation for installation comes with the server setups and is called the Implementation guide.
Requirements can be found in the ProjectWise readme when you download the software.
Or you can go here:

Test First!
Some upgrades require a database conversion. 
Make a backup\copy of the database and restore it to use as a test. Run the dms convert tool (if necessary), then in a test environment connect to your datasource using PW admin and PW Explorer.
Once the testing is successful and you have ironed out any bugs proceed with the upgrade.

Some things to keep in mind:
Save out your dmsknrl.cfg file on the server, and any other *.cfg files you may have customized for reference later.

Uninstall in reverse order of how the current version was installed.  If you don't know the order, here are some hints that should help keep you from un-install \ reinstall issues.

Verticals such as Bentley Facilities, Geospatial, etc.. should be uninstalled before Pw integration server

If you are running the User Synchronization service, uninstall this first. During installation it adds stuff to the PW admin and if you uninstall PW admin first you could potential run into uninstall issues with USS.

If you are running the publisher and Web Server on the integration server (not recommend but some folks do) and are planning to upgrade these as well, uninstall these next in this order: 
For the ASPX web interface (not SharePoint), Uninstall ProjectWise publishing gateway, publisher, and then PW Web Server
If using SharePoint: Uninstall publishing gateway, publisher, then Un-deploy the site using the Web Parts deployment wizard, then go to add remove programs and remove ProjectWise Web Server and Web Viewer

Uninstall the client software next, PW Admin then PW Explorer
Then uninstall the integration server (the integration server hooks stuff into the Orchestration so the integration server needs to be removed before Orchestration)
If you are running any other services that require Orchestration then uninstall these before removing Orchestration.  Examples would be Distribution Services, Automation services.
Uninstall the Orchestration\Automation\Distribution Administrator
Uninstall Orchestration frame work
Finally, if you have installed Microstation on the server for full text processing then uninstall and upgrade it as well to the next version.

After successfully uninstalling the old version, delete any directories that remain from the old install under Bentley, and reboot the system.
Follow the implementation guide for reinstall.

As always we highly recommend Bentley Professional services to help with upgrading ProjectWise.  BPS has done many upgrades and can help with avoiding the problems that can occur with database conversions and customizations.

See Also

Product TechNotes and FAQs

External Links

Bentley Technical Support KnowledgeBase

Bentley LEARN Server

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