What if I need more than 100 inlets in StormCAD?

Product(s):InRoads, MX, GEOPAK
Area: Subsurface Utilities



What is required if you need to design more than 100 inlets using StormCAD?


If you need more than 100 inlets, you will need to purchase a StormCAD Unlimited license and activate it from the menu for the larger projects.  You may want to investigate a CivilStorm license rather than StormCAD Unlimited.  CivilStorm will also allow design of large networks but also gives you advanced hydraulic design capabilities for any networks large or small.  A short list of the advanced capabilities include detention design using the Pond Maker tool, ability to compute using dynamic methods such as SWMM, ability to compute storage in the pipe network and ability to include Low Impact Development (LID) structures in your design. (LIDs are referred to as SUDS (Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems) in some areas)