Create Profile by ASCII - File Format

 Applies To 
 Area: Cross Sections
 Original Author:Jacquelyn Pettus, Bentley Technical Support Group









In the Create Profile command, with the source set to ASCII, what is the proper format of the ASCII input file?


The file should contain one data point per line. Each line should consist of three values: station, elevation, and a pen-up/pen-down flag which are separated by a space, not a comma.   The station and elevation values should be a floating point number, and the pen number can be one of three values. To view more than one surface, the pen-up/pen-down flag must be included. The first point in the profile should have a value of 1. Subsequent points should have a value of 0, and the last point should have a value of 6. Profile ASCII files have an extension of .se. This command supports station equations.

The file format would be as follows:

10000 285 1
10200 285 0
10400 288 0
10600 290 0
10800 280 0
11000 275 6
10000 285.5 1
10200 288 0
10400 292 0
10600 290.2 0
10800 280.3 0
11000 273 6