Performance issue opening AutoCAD Civil 3D document from ProjectWise

 Product(s):ProjectWise Explorer Client
 Area: Integration - Civil 3D
 Subarea: Data Shortcuts
 Original Author:Mantas Nauseda, Bentley Technical Support Group

Problem Description

It takes really long time to open AutoCAD Civil 3D drawing from ProjectWise.


It takes quite a lot of time to load the data shortcuts from ProjectWise when using the ProjectWise Caching server to connect to the datasource – ProjectWise needs to load the file to the caching server first and then pass it to the user.

It seems that there are some issues in the ProjectWise with this operation.

Steps to Resolve

There were some improvements in the ProjectWise performance in SS4 RU (version

To resolve the issue you should upgrade the ProjectWise Explorer to the SS4 RU version.