Custom Report: Milling Report with Imperial Stationing

 Applies To 
 Product(s):InRoads, GEOPAK, MX
 Environment: N/A
 Area: Reports
 Original Author:Chris Key, Bentley Technical Support Group








Milling Report with Corrected Imperial Stationing

This report is the RoadwayDesignMillingReport.xsl with the corrected stationing.  The delivered report stylesheet included an externalStation value output for the stationing, but this is a metric Stationing.  This report is a corrected report to include the internalStation which is the correct raw output for the imperial stationing,

How to access this report: 

Unzip the file  and place it in the XML Data directory for the correct report path (C:\ProgramData\Bentley\Civil\ReportBrowser\8.11.9\en\Milling) or in a custom folder. 

If you are primarily in Imperial Units, it would be recommended to right-click on this report in the XML Report Browser and set it to the Default by selecting 'Set as Default Roadway Design Milling'.