Access rights inheritance explanation

 Product(s):ProjectWise Explorer Client
 Area: Security and Permissions
 Original Author:Arturas Baranauskas, Bentley Technical Support Group

ProjectWise user sometimes wonders what the difference is between global inheritance and “none” inheritance. This is article will hopefully explain and allow a better understanding of this particular feature in ProjectWise.


Example of ProjectWise security with workflows

When we have a new folder with a freshly applied workflow, check the tab and you will see that its inherited from workflow so called global permissions:

In this state it reacts to changes in admin since it’s tied to global changes. If we remove a setting manually from PW explorer it creates its own set and it does not inherit security from any workflow, the inheritance is set to none:

In order to restore it back to global inheritance you must remove all previous groups and users and let it repopulate from workflow security: