When attaching an Xref it opens a local dialog and not ProjectWise

 Product(s):ProjectWise Caching Server
 Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group


If I go to attach an Xref, even if I use the ProjectWise menu or the DMSXREF command, it opens a local dialog and not ProjectWise.

We're using ProjectWise with iDesktop Installed for Autocad 2006. It seems that some portions of the integration are not fully functional? For instance, the File>New, Open, and Save As... options all correctly bring up a ProjectWise dialog. However, if I go to attach an Xref, even if I use the ProjectWise menu or the DMSXREF command, it opens a local dialog and not ProjectWise.

customer is using the class path of The class path AutoCAD.Drawing.16  in his associations


Customer had user associations set on his workstation we removed the user associations so that the global association would be the one chosen.
However the customer has different version of AutoCAD on the system and needs a way to set associations for the different versions.

The command line required to correctly launch AutoCAD with Projectwise integration is:
"C:\program files\AutoCAD 2006\acad.exe" /t

The class path AutoCAD.Drawing.PW finds the most current version of AutoCAD and uses "C:\program files\AutoCAD 2006\acad.exe" /t to open AutoCAD with PW integration. (if you search the registry for AutoCAD.Drawing.PW you will find this path)

The class path AutoCAD.Drawing.16 shows a path of "C:\Program Files\AutoCAD 2006\acad.exe" "%1"
This will launch AutoCAD but only parts of the integration will work, as described.

However I found another class path
Which shows the path as "C:\program files\AutoCAD 2006\acad.exe" /t I set up another program association using AutoCAD.Drawing.16.2 as my class path, and All the integration worked within AutoCAD.

Additional information:  when you setup a user program association and browse to the acad.exe rather then use the class path, you will get a warning that "the application might not work correctly if associated using full path."

See Also

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External Links

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