ProjectWise Orchestration Framework V8i Logging [TN]

 Applies To 
 Product(s):ProjectWise Orchestration Framework
 Environment: N/A
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 Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group










This technote provides information on how to setup and use the new V8i Orchestration framework logging. Topics covered will include modifying the existing logging levels for Orchestration Framework and viewing the log files.

Orchestration Framework V8i now takes advantage of the XML logging established in the XM version of ProjectWise. The XML logging requires the installation of the Bentley Logging Server service which gets installed when any of the ProjectWise servers or the orchestration framework service is installed. The Bentley logging Server monitors the ProjectWise services and writes the various degrees of information to the log file. For example, Messages of "INFO","WARN", "ERROR", or "FATAL" can be sent to the appender for output.

Logging is configured via OrchFwrkLogging.config file which is in the C:\Program Files\Bentley\OrchestrationFramework\ directory.

The log file that is created is named: LoggingService.log
The logs are created in: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Bentley\Logs\

Pre-requisites and Assumptions

Configuring Log Settings

Steps to configure logging:

1. Create a copy of the OrchFwrkLogging.config file so that you keep an original version of the file.

2. To capture different levels of logging open the OrchFwrkLogging.config file with an ASCII editor such as notepad.

Find the following tag:    <level value="INFO"/>

4. Open the windows services dialog and stop the Bentley Logging Server service.

5. Open C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Bentley\Logs\ directory and move the existing "LoggingService.log files to another location.

6. Using the service manager restart Bentley Logging Server service At this point there should be a new loggingservice.log file created in the C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Bentley\Logs directory. The log file should now show the modified level of logging once the ProjectWise Orchestration Framework service starts processing.

The V8i logging server does not immediately write information to the log, and may be buffered for some time. Stopping the Bentley Logging Server service will force it to write the information from the buffer to the log.

Viewing the log files

1. The C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Bentley\Logs\LoggingService.log file can be viewed in notepad.


By design the LoggingService.log file will be created to a certain file size. When the log reaches the maximum file size a new file will be created. This is referred to as "rolling logs" The size and amount of files are set by BentleyLoggingServer.exe.config which is located in "C:\Program Files\Bentley\LoggingServer"

<maximumFileSize value="10000000"  />

<maxSizeRollBackups value="5" />

Apache ChainSaw Viewer

The former XM Bentley logger provided a way to view the logging with color codes, etc. The new V8i version provides the same ability but uses a third party free viewer called Chainsaw that can be accessed via the World Wide Web. This viewer reads the data from the LoggingServiceChainsaw.xml

To configure the "Apache Chainsaw" logging:

1. Set the logging as described in the above section ‘Configuring log settings'

2. On the server where Orchestration FrameWork is installed, in windows explorer, go to C:\Program Files\Bentley\LoggingServer. Make a copy of the BentleyLoggingServer.exe.config so that you have a copy of the original then open the original in notepad.

3. Remove the comments from the following two lines found at the bottom of the file:

Example: Remove the !-- at the front of the line and the -- at the end of the line
<!--appender-ref ref="UdpAppender" /-->

<!--appender-ref ref="ChainsawFile" /-->

<appender-ref ref="UdpAppender" />

<appender-ref ref="ChainsawFile" />

4. Save the file and exit.

5. Using the service manager stop and restart Bentley Logging Server service.

To view the log files using the Apache chainsaw viewer

1. Save off the following to a configuration file. For example C:\ChainSawCFG\ChainSaw.config. This file will be used when configuring Chainsaw to view logs.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<!DOCTYPE log4j:configuration SYSTEM "log4j.dtd">

<log4j:configuration xmlns:log4j="" debug="true">

        <plugin name="UDPReceiver" class="">

                <param name="Port" value="8080"> />



2. Go to and follow the "Download" link. This will open a web page that will give 3 types of download options to use the Chainsaw viewer. In this example the "Java Web Start" will be used.

3. Select the "Java Web Start", a java application will be downloaded, when it is finished download a dialog box will open informing that no Receivers have been defined "Warning: You have no Receivers defined".

4. Select the option "Let me search for a configuration file", then click "Browse". In the next dialog change ‘Files of Type" to "All Files" then find, highlight and open the configuration file that was created in step 1 and then select "Ok".  (See Figure 1.)

Figure 1.

5. Chainsaw viewer will be opened. From the File menu choose "Load Log4J File..." Navigate to the logging directory (C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Bentley\Logs\) and open "LoggingServiceChainsaw.xml"

6. A new tab will be created in the Chainsaw viewer called "file-LoggingServiceShainsaw.xml". Select that tab. The logging information is now being displayed.

Figure 2.


This concludes the procedures for implementing of viewing OFW information using Chainsaw. 

See Also

Product TechNotes and FAQs


External Links

Bentley Technical Support KnowledgeBase

Bentley LEARN Server

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