Error 65536 in Bentley Logger

 Area: Logging
 Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group

Problem Description

ERROR 65536 in Bentley logger
The following is showing up in the Dist Serv Bentley Logger. I am also getting other datasources that do not exist. I renamed the machine from pwconnector2 to a totally new name today and rebooted. The datasources I am seeing do not exist also. I have also deleted the datasource and OF databases and rebuilt all of them.

2007.09.24_14.06.46.250_CDT _ DDCSHRPWSDV01:30001 DmsAfpEngine _ Automated File Processing _ Ftr Scheduled Update Dispatcher _ 3_ERROR _ -65536 _
Extraction configuration retrieval problem for
Exception information:
  Description: Login failed; dmsError [-11007]
  Application or Object Name: DmsAfpWrappers
  Method: fail
  Call Stack:    at code, String message)
   at Bentley.AsyncExtraction.DmsSession.login(String dataSource, String name, String password)
   at Bentley.AsyncExtraction.DataSourceInfoReader.readConfiguration(Guid component, DataSourceInfo dsInfo, Boolean[,]& schedule, TimeSpan& sleep)
   at Bentley.AsyncExtraction.Scheduler.scheduleInspectionRoutine()


I found the answer in a dmsafpengine.xml file in the c:\program files\bentley\orchestration framework folder or somewhere near there with the extraneous entries causing the errors. The PW Int server had databases that were deleted plus I renamed the server so the entries stayed around in the xml file since the OF processes were still looking for a server that did not exist anymore.

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