ProjectWise Traceroute Utility [TN]

 Applies To 
 Version(s):V8 XM Edition
 Environment: N/A
 Area: N/A
 Subarea: N/A
 Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group










ProjectWise has historically allowed the user to configure complex routing configurations, in order to allow for external access to ProjectWise resources across a corporate firewall, as well as to allow the caching of CAD data so that the data is geographically closer to the users, removing the need for the users to access large files over a potentially slow WAN.

However, as the complexity of the routing configurations grows, the ability to determine by what route a given client contacts a server grows equally complex. Often, it is necessary to dig through configuration files on many machines in order to determine the route.  Additionally, it has historically been practically impossible for a client machine to determine the overall latency for a given route.

What is needed is a tool to display both information about what ProjectWise servers are transited in a given route, and the latency between those servers.

ProjectWise Traceroute Tool

This tool, when run from a client machine, will allow the user to determine the route to a given endpoint ProjectWise server, the latency between each hop in the route, and the caching configuration on each server that is transited.  If a connection cannot be made to a hop (either due to misconfiguration of the ProjectWise route, or a broken network link between machines), this tool will also report the last node that was successfully contacted, making it easier to determine the cause of networking issues.



Usage: pwping [-d display-name] [-h hops] [-n count] [-t timeout]  target_name


-d display-name:      Display name of the endpoint datasource to trace route to; name will be resolved via normal ProjectWise DNS.

If this switch is specified, the target_name command argument must be omitted.

-h hops:                 Maximum number of servers to transit on the  way. Defaults to the end of the route.

-n count:               Number of ping requests to send between hops.

                               Defaults to 1.

-t timeout:             Timeout in milliseconds to wait for each reply.

                               Defaults to 5000ms.

-c:                        Display caching configuration information



For this example, we shall assume that the server PW_INTSRV has a misconfigured route to server PW_FILESTOR. Thus, the output from pwping for each successive hop would be:

[c:\Program Files\Bentley\ProjectWise\bin]pwping pw_gateway

pwping: INFO  - Tracing route to host 'pw_gateway'

pwping: INFO  - Hop: 1  Host: pw_gateway  Address:  PW Version: AvgTime: 6ms  AvgTtl: 125


[c:\Program Files\Bentley\ProjectWise\bin]pwping pw_intsrv

pwping: INFO  - Tracing route to host 'pw_intsrv'

pwping: INFO  - Hop: 1  Host: pw_gateway  Address:  PW Version: AvgTime: 3ms  AvgTtl: 125

pwping: INFO  - Hop: 2  Host: pw_intsrv  Address:  PW Version: AvgTime: 66ms  AvgTtl: 128


[c:\Program Files\Bentley\ProjectWise\bin]pwping pw_filestor

pwping: INFO  - Tracing route to host 'pw_filestor'

pwping: INFO  - Hop: 1  Host: pw_gateway  Address:  PW Version: AvgTime: 2ms  AvgTtl: 125

pwping: INFO  - Hop: 2  Host: pw_intsrv  Address:  PW Version: AvgTime: 5ms  AvgTtl: 128

pwping: ERROR - Failed to ping host 'pw_filestor': no route to next hop


In this example, we shall ask the utility to display any caching server configuration information it finds as it transits the various servers in the route:

[c:\Program Files\Bentley\ProjectWise\bin]pwping -c pw_intsrv

pwping: INFO  - Tracing route to host 'pw_intsrv'

pwping: INFO  - Hop: 1  Host: pw_gateway  Address:  PW Version: AvgTime: 8ms  AvgTtl: 125

pwping: INFO  -     Caching enabled on host 'pw_gateway' : Cache Path: 'c:\pw_cache\files'   Cache Limit 200 MB

pwping: INFO  - Hop: 2  Host: pw_intsrv  Address:  PW Version: AvgTime: 6ms  AvgTtl: 128


Next, we shall trace a route to a ProjectWise integration server based on a datasource's display-name value.  In this example, a datasource with the display-name value of "PCJ_TESTROUTE" is configured on server PW_INTSRV.

[c:\Program Files\Bentley\ProjectWise\bin]pwping -d"PCJ_TESTROUTE"

pwping: INFO  - Tracing route to host 'pw_intsrv'

pwping: INFO  - Hop: 1  Host: pw_gateway  Address:  PW Version: AvgTime: 7ms  AvgTtl: 125

pwping: INFO  - Hop: 2  Host: pw_intsrv  Address:  PW Version: AvgTime: 5ms  AvgTtl: 128


See Also

Product TechNotes and FAQs

ProjectWise TechNotes And FAQs

External Links

Bentley Technical Support KnowledgeBase

Bentley LEARN Server

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