SELECTserver/Subscription Entitlement Service hybrid environment FAQ

Can SELECTserver-based products coexist on machines with Subscription Entitlement Service products?

Yes, both can be installed on a machine. Ensure the License Management Tool is configured with a server name and site activation key to activate SELECTserver-based products. Also ensure that CONNECTION Client is signed in to activate Subscription Entitlement Service products.

If I have a deployed SELECTserver, must I migrate to the hosted SELECTserver to use Subscription Entitlement Service products?

No, Subscription Entitlement Service products utilize a completely separate online license server. The activation of Subscription Entitlement Service products is not dependent upon your SELECTserver configuration.

Will the license alerting feature in Entitlement Management apply to both Subscription Entitlement Service and SELECTserver-based products?

No, the license alerting feature configured in Entitlement Management applies to Subscription Entitlement Service products only. SELECTserver-based products do not have the capability to report usage in real time like Subscription Entitlement Service products. The license alerting feature will not work as intended unless all users in an organization using a specific product upgrade to a Subscription Entitlement Service version. 

If I have a Subscription Entitlement Service version of my product installed alongside a SELECTserver-based version, will usage of both at the same time count as one or two licenses?

While the usage will be recorded on two separate licensing systems, usage of both products on the same machine will be counted as one license for billing purposes if using the hosted SELECTserver. Deployed SELECTserver installations do not report the machine names, so we cannot detect whether usage of both products is coming from the same machine.

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