Below you will find the instructions to transition to Subscription Entitlement Service.
To see if your Bentley applications are eligible for Subscription Entitlement Service, please view the "Entitlement Management" Service in the CONNECT Center under 'Applications and Services'. If the application is not listed the features of Subscription Entitlement Service will not function.
1. Ensure all active Bentley application users are registered.
2. In order to access the Entitlement Management Service, you must be an Administrator or Co-Administrator.
3. Configure the ‘Entitlement Management’ Service. For instructions on this Service, please click here: Entitlement Management
4. Notify the users that you have enabled Subscription Entitlement Service. Here are some points you may wish to discuss:
a. Product activation will now occur via user sign in to the CONNECTION Client.
b. A 7-day offline period is permitted after you've signed in to the CONNECTION Client at least once.
c. Users will receive an alert (if enabled) that there are no more available licenses when they are about to exceed the defined limit. This is only applicable for applications running on Subscription Entitlement Service. Any applications utilizing a SELECTserver activation key will not be counted for the notification threshold, nor will those users receive notifications. Regardless of licensing, usage of products will continue to be logged and pooled and may be subject to term licensing.
d. Usage is NOT restricted. Users will still be able to access Bentley applications if they continue to use products after receiving the alert.
Please see our Subscription Entitlement Service FAQ if you have any questions. For additional issues please file a Service Request or post to Communities.
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