Client Check In and Out Instructions for Pre-XM [TN]

 Applies To 
 Product(s):Most Pre-XM or Older Products
 Environment: N/A
 Area: N/A
 Subarea: N/A
 Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group










 This TechNote describes how a client can check licenses in and out for Pre-XM Applications.

Check Out

1. Be sure your application is activating through a SELECTserver Gateway or SELECTserver V8 using a pointer file.  For details on pointer files, please see the BE Communities article entitled  Pointer File Explained for Pre-XM Products.

2. Open the software.

3. Most programs will have a Utilities menu > License Checkout.  The License Check Out/In dialog will display.

4. Click the Browse button to locate the local license file  (this file is typically located in: C:\ProgramFiles\Bentley\Program\Licensing) and select the appropriate license file for your application.

5. The license check out/in dialog will refresh as follows with your license list.


6. Select the product to check out from the list displayed. 
According to the version, it is possible that the number of product in the list is limited and your product doesn't shows, in this case the site administrator need to restrict the list of licenses available for check out, please see the BE Communities article entitled  [[licensing__wiki:How do I limit or prevent license checkouts?|How do I limit or prevent license checkouts?]].

7. Click the Check Out button.


8. The license will now be checked out and assigned to your local machine. 


9. You can confirm in the actual local license that the license string has been created. 

Note: This license will only be valid on the machine it has been checked out to.

Check In

1. The Checked-Out license will appear in the bottom box.

2. Highlight the product in the bottom box.

3. Click CheckIn.

See Also

[[SELECTsupport TechNotes and FAQs]]

External Links

Bentley Technical Support KnowledgeBase

Bentley LEARN Server

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