Generating a License Debug Log

 Applies To 
 Product(s):License Management Tool
 Environment: N/A
 Area: Configuration
 Subarea: N/A
 Original Author:Jeremy Hoesly, Bentley Technical Support Group

The following article provides steps for capturing communication data between a client computer and a SELECTserver for troubleshooting purposes. For information on error logging with CONNECT Licensing see


Some licensing problems are difficult to troubleshoot solely based upon the symptoms seen by an end-user on a client computer. The License Management Tool included with the vast majority of Bentley products can generate a log file that captures communication data sent between the client computer and a SELECTserver. Although primarily used by Bentley's Technical Support Group, the log file can also be useful for in-house troubleshooting by IT personnel.

Steps to Accomplish

Please perform the following steps to generate a log file:

  1. Open the [[License Management Tool]] included with your Bentley product(s).
  2. Select Options from the Tools menu.
  3. Click the Error Logging tab in the window that appears.
  4. Tick the checkbox labeled Enable Logging.
  5. Click the All On\Off button in the Log Levels section to capture all diagnostic data.
  6. Click the Change button in the Error Log File section, and specify a location to save the log file.
  7. Click the Apply button at the bottom to save changes.
  8. Reproduce the licensing problem to capture all interactions between the client computer and the SELECTserver.
  9. Then return to the License Management Tool.
  10. Untick the checkbox labeled Enable Logging.
  11. Click the OK button to save changes and close the dialog.
  12. Close the License Management Tool.

See Also

Batch File to Enable Error Logging

Overview of the Bentley Licensing Tool - CONNECT Licensing

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