SELECTserver OnLine migration FAQ

 Subarea:License Management

SELECTserver OnLine (i.e. the "hosted" server or Bentley CONNECT SELECTservices) is Bentley's licensing solution on the Internet. It is intended to be a simple, straightforward way for users to activate and report usage for their products without requiring the setup and administration of an in-house license server. Only a periodic Internet connection on client machines is required to ensure that Bentley products can report their outstanding usage to remain activated.

This support solution primarily addresses questions and concerns from users that are transitioning from an in-house (i.e. "deployed") SELECTserver to SELECTserver OnLine. Questions or concerns not covered below can be posed in the Licensing and Activation forum.

Does SELECTserver OnLine cost extra?

No, Bentley offers SELECTserver OnLine at no cost to users because it greatly simplifies the setup, administration, and support of the licensing component.

What happens to my in-house SELECTserver after the migration?

For transitional purposes, the in-house (i.e. "deployed") SELECTserver will continue to function for 30 days from the day the migration is performed. This provides time for machines to be switched gradually to ensure a smooth transition. The SELECTserver will disable itself afterwards since it can no longer successfully send usage to Bentley. Consequently, it can be safely removed.

How do I configure client machines to use SELECTServer OnLine?

Client machines can be reconfigured a number of ways:

What changes to the network must be made to ensure that client machines can access SELECTserver OnLine?

The SELECTserver licensing system purposely uses standard web browsing protocols to pass through most firewalls without any special configuration. The following support solution provides further details.

If a proxy server is used to access the Internet, the License Management Tool must be configured to use it. To enter the settings, open the License Management Tool, select Options from the Tools menu, and click the Proxy Configuration tab. Proxy settings, if present at all, can be obtained from the Internet Options control panel or from a system administrator.

What happens if a connection to the Internet is lost?

Most Bentley products will function for at least seven (7) days before requiring communication with the license server. If a connection to the Internet is lost temporarily, products will switch to disconnected mode and display an activation dialog when opened for the first time that day. The activation dialog displays the number of days remaining before communication is required. Once the connection is restored, products will automatically reactivate as they are opened for the first time that day.

How do I start the migration process?

Please refer to the following support solution titled Converting from a Deployed SELECTserver to Bentley CONNECT SELECTservices.

What information do client machines transmit to SELECTserver OnLine?

The following diagram posted on Bentley Communities shows the information transmitted to the SELECTserver OnLine. It receives the same data that client machines currently send to your deployed SELECTserver. No information is hashed since the online server needs the user and machine names to generate usage reports just like your deployed server.

Can client machines encrypt the usage data sent to SELECTserver OnLine?

By default, client machines send usage information to the license server using the HTTP protocol which is not encrypted since deployed servers rarely are configured with an SSL certificate. However, the online server has one using 256-bit SHA-2 RSA encryption. So Bentley highly recommends configuring clients to enable the "Use HTTPS (SSL)" checkbox in the License Management Tool when using the online server.

Where does SELECTserver OnLine physically reside, and who operates it?

SELECTserver OnLine is based in a Microsoft Azure data center located in the United States. 

How does SELECTserver OnLine differ from my deployed SELECTserver?

The following support solution provides some additional information regarding the differences between a deployed server and Bentley's online server.

Other language sources


See Also

[[SELECTserver and Product Activation Wiki]]


 Original Author:Jeremy Hoesly