Error - This account is not associated with an organization

 Product(s):CONNECTION Client

Error or Warning Message

I can not Sign In to CONNECTION Client. Following error message appears:

This account is not associated with an organization. Please contact your administrator.


It means that your Account Administrator needs to approve your access to the Organization. As of now the system doesn't know you are part of the Organization.

How to Avoid

You will need to contact your site administrator to have you added to the account. This is done through the User Management tool. Please see User Management for step by step instructions.  

*** If you've installed a trial application like MicroStation or iWare like Bentley View and do not have a Bentley account please download and install the latest version of the CONNECTION Client from the Bentley Store. The latest version of the CONNECTION Client will allow you to sign in. ***


See Also

User failed to login

Other language sources


 Original Author:Darius Rimasauskas