Unable to Sign In to the CONNECTION Client - Issue with usage reporting detected

Product(s):CONNECTION Client


Unable to sign in to the CONNECTION Client. The message says "Issue with usage reported detected. Please run Health Check tool or click here to learn more."

However, when you run the Health Check tool you are still unable to sign in. 

Check the logs to see the following error message: 

ERROR - BUDDIClient - GetUrl() encountered an error: System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException: There was no endpoint listening at https://buddi.bentley.com/discovery.asmx that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details. ---> System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request.

The error is because a domain has been entered onto the Proxy Configuration tab of the Bentley Licensing Tool that is not a proxy server. 

For example, the Product Activation SELECTserver address, or SELECTserver.bentley.com has been added when it should not have been: 

DEBUG - BUDDIClient - Overriding default proxy settings with ServerName: http://productactivation.bentley.com/ Default Credentials: False

The only information entered there should be an actual proxy server. SELECTserver and Product Activation are not proxy servers and should not be added there. 


To resolve the issue remove the domain from the Proxy Configuration tab by following the steps below:

1. Open the Bentley Licensing Tool from the Start menu or you can type Bentley Licensing Tool in the Windows Search

2. Go to Tools Options and on the Proxy Configuration tab remove the domain you entered into the Proxy Server field then select "Use System Proxy Settings" then > Apply > OK. It should look like the screen capture below

3. Open the Task Manager and end task the Bentley.Licensing.Service.exe first then end task the Bentley.Connect.Client.exe

4. Restart the CONNECTION Client and sign in.

See Also

Bentley Licensing Tool

Other Language Sources
