CONNECTION Client Fails to Sign In

Product(s):CONNECTION Client
Version(s):10.00.04.xx and newer


Unable to sign in to the CONNECTION Client. 

1. Enter Email and Password then click Sign In in the CONNECTION Client

2. You are presented with either of the following errors:

"The webpage cannot be displayed..."


Or "Connection Issues. Could not connect..."


There are several reasons that your CONNECTION Client fails to sign in. Here are a couple of known reasons. 

Temporary Interruption

As a first step, try right clicking in the middle of the CONNECTION Client window and choose "Back". Or, press F5 to refresh.

System Clock

Error : Unable to sign in. Your system clock is out of sync with the server.

When you sign in to the CONNECTION Client you receive a security token that is time stamped. If your clock is incorrect you have to fix it before you can sign in. In the error above it references that your system clock is not in sync with the server. The server mentioned in your network server. In that case you'll need to contact your IT department to request that the time on the server is fixed.

The error may not present, but you'll see the following in the logs:

DEBUG - LoginControlViewModel - Failed to deserialize token: System.IdentityModel.Tokens.SecurityTokenNotYetValidException: ID4222: The SamlSecurityToken is rejected because the SamlAssertion.NotBefore condition is not satisfied.
NotBefore: '4/27/2021 1:46:19 PM'
Current time: '4/27/2021 12:51:19 PM'

To resolve the issue, synchronize the clock on your local Windows machine with the time server at , alternatively, manually set the time with the time displayed on Then, restart CONNECTION Client, and attempt to sign in again.

Once the clock is corrected you should be able to sign in successfully.

Proxy Server or Network Firewall

Another reason is that you have a proxy server that has not been configured or a firewall that is blocking access. 

Check the Bentley.Connect.Client.exe.log. There you should see an error similar to this one if you're proxy is blocking you: 

02-07-17 07:17:17.931 [1] ERROR - SingleSignOnControl - An error occured during federated login process - The remote server returned an error: (407) Proxy Authentication Required.


02-07-17 18:10:20.302 [63] ERROR - BUDDIClient - GetUrl() encountered an error: System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException: There was no endpoint listening at that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details. ---> System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

See the Bentley Cloud Service Portal and CONNECTION Client FAQ for instructions on how to configure the proxy or to make an exception list for the sites that it needs to access.

CONNECTION Client Version

On at least one occasion, upgrading the CONNECTION Client version resolved this issue. You can search for and download the latest CONNECTION Client from the Software Center accessible via the CONNECT Center, See Download Options


In some cases an antivirus software may block the connection. Make sure to add rules to your antivirus software for the applications and for the traffic.

See the Bentley Cloud Service Portal and CONNECTION Client FAQ for more details.

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