Registered User Set-up

The following articles describe how you find your administrator, become a CONNECTED User, and some other basic controls such as how to log in, log out, and edit your profile. The value of signing in has become more important as we move forward with the deprecation of SELECTserver.  To enable your applications using the Subscription Entitlement Service license model, sign in will be required. 

By Introducing CONNECTservices, there are many Services available on the CONNECT Center which are only accessible for those users who are Registered and signed in.

For Administrators that would like more in-depth information about User Management, please check out the User Management 2.0 help document.

How do I find my Administrator?

Registered User - Administrator Process

Registered User - Individual User Process

User Login / Logout

Edit Profile

Password Management

Other Language Sources
