Disabled by Policy

 Product(s):Bentley Licensing Tool

Error or Warning Message

"Disabled by Policy" on Product Status tab or "DisabledByPolicy" on Entitlements tab

Screenshot of Disabled by Policy status


The status usually means a local copy of the license has exceeded its 7-day lifespan. The status can also occur when outstanding usage data has not been transmitted to Bentley in several days.

How to Avoid

Perform the following steps to transmit any outstanding usage and retrieve a current license file:

  1. Open the Windows Start menu, and do a search for Bentley Licensing Tool.
  2. Select Send Logs Now from the Tools menu.
  3. Once finished, select Refresh Policy from the Tools menu.

Any DisabledByPolicy status messages on the Entitlements tab should change. Note that values on the Product Status tab will not change until a product is opened again.

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