Changing user(s) Entitlement Country

NOTE: If your organization is federated with Bentley IMS, users' entitlement country may be determined by the country attribute as sent from your identity provider during IMS authentication. If the user's federation token presents a country attribute from a valid entitlement country, the user's entitlement will be assigned to that country. Administrators can assign entitlement countries for users from countries without entitlements by using IMS's Entitlement Management tools.

The administrator can edit a user's Entitlement Country while in User Management. When creating a user profile, by default, the Entitlement Country is the user's home location.  However, the field can be edited if the usage is in taking place in a different country.

Edit Individual Users

1. From the User Management search for the user

2.  Next, click on the user name

3. Click on the Edit option.  You can now edit the user's address and Entitlement Country

4. Correct the Entitlement Country

5. Click on Submit Button

Bulk Update Entitlement Country

Administrators now have the ability to update the entitlement country of a group of users via CSV file.

1. From the home screen in User Management click Bulk Operations

2.  Select Update Users

3. Download the Sample File if needed

4. Once you've added the changes to the sample file like "Entitlement Country" Click Select File

5.  Click Submit to finish

6. Once the job is completed, an email will be sent to the Account Administrator.

See Also

Entitlement Country

Entitlement Management Overview

User Management

Bulk Operations

Other Language Sources
