License Management Tool

What is the purpose of this information?

The License Management Tool is delivered with all Bentley Applications versions XM and higher. The License Management Tool enables you to edit, enter, and confirm your license information, check your activation status, manually make a connection to the server and activate, as well as check a license in and out.  If you need more details on how to check a license in and out from the License Management Tool, please see Client Check In and Out Instructions for XM and Higher.

Locating the License Management Tool

There are several different ways to access the License Management Tool, depending on the Bentley Application you have installed. Here are a few of the most common methods for locating the License Management Tool:


Enter, Edit, or Confirm your License information

Once the License Management Tool is open, go to Tools> Options.


A separate box will pop up, allowing you to view what license information (if any) has been entered for the workstation. Note: Make sure you are on the SELECTserver tab.


Here you can enter, edit, or just confirm the server name and site activation key are correct.

*Please note: Due to the length of the site activation key, it is recommended that each user copy and paste the information directly into the license management tool.  Also, be sure there are no extra spaces before or after the server name and site activation key as this can prevent a proper activation.

Once the information is entered, press the test connection button. You should receive a message saying “Server and activation key verified.”  If any other messages are received, please contact Technical Support.

Press “apply” and then “ok” to update the changes.

Confirm your Activation Status

Most Bentley Products will show a status of “Activated” once they are properly activated. However, keep in mind that there are some exceptions such as RAM and STAAD. If you would like to know more about what each of the different Activation Status' mean, please see Product Activation Modes of Behavior.

To confirm your Activation Status, open the License Management Tool. In newer releases, the default screen will show the Activation Status.

In older versions, you will need to go to Tools>Activation Status.

Manually Make a Connection to the Server and Activate

If you are unsuccessful in activating using the Product Activation Wizard or your programs goes in to Disconnected Mode you can manually force your application to contact the SELECTserver in the License Management Tool.

To manually make a connection to the server and activate, open the License Management Tool. After you have confirmed your license information (as stated above), go to Tools>Send Logs Now.


Once you select Send Logs Now, you will see a Progress Bar. Once the Process is complete, the dialog box will disappear.


Your product should now be activated. You can check the Activation Status as stated above. If it still does not show as activated, try Sending Logs again.  Sometimes it takes more than one time to establish a connection with the server. If you continue to have problems, please contact Technical Support.

Confirm whether your products benefits from the 10-minute usage interval

In Q2 2016, Bentley introduced a change to the usage interval used for billing purposes. Instead of counting the number of times a product is used within a one-hour period, usage is now counted by the number of times a product is used within a ten-minute period. This can reduce the reported numbers for product use. However, some improvements to the licensing software included with each Bentley product were required to ensure that products take advantage of this policy change. To determine whether your product is benefiting from the change, please perform the following steps:

  1. Open the License Management Tool included with your product. Every Bentley product includes its own copy which is used for transmitting usage data.

    1. Select About License Management Tool from the Help menu.

    2. In the window that appears, verify that the version is or later.

      If an earlier version is listed, Bentley recommends upgrading to the latest version of your product. As a general rule, products released since August 2015, particularly CONNECT edition products, will include version or later of the License Management Tool.

    3. Also, select Options from the Tools menu, and ensure that "" is specified in the Server Name field. Users utilizing a deployed (i.e. in-house) SELECTserver will not benefit from the changes because of the way such servers report peak usage to Bentley.

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