Application - General Access

Application override settings allow organization administrators to configure access to entitlements for a specific application for an entitlement country. That application setting can then be overridden with an exception for a group or user. 

Changing the Application override setting will not affect any overrides on the group or user level that are already in place.

To manage application overrides, navigate to Applications and Services.

The icon for Your Desktop Application Portfolio (above the products list and on the right) indicates the default setting for all products (Default Access).

The icons on each application row indicate the access setting for that application (General Access).

Icon Directory for Applications and Services

 The default setting for all products in the chosen country is Access Allowed.
 The default setting for all products in the chosen country is Access Denied.

The product in this row follows the current default setting.

The product in this row overrides the current default setting to allow access.

The product in this row overrides the current default setting to restrict access.

Changing application access (General Access)

Click the hyperlinked General Access text in the column labeled Modify Access to alter that applications' settings.

On this page, click the Change Access button in the top right corner. Your options are to

If one of the Override options is selected, any change made to the Default Access setting will not impact user's access to this application.


These settings apply only to application versions that are licensed through CONNECT Licensing - according to the warning message displayed on the page. If General Access is configured to "Deny", legacy versions, like V8i, will be denied access to the license even if the Exceptions are configured to grant access.

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