Checkout Restrictions - SES

Checkout Restrictions allows an administrator or co-administrator to set limits on the ability for users to check out Bentley applications for each country.

To navigate to Checkout Restrictions from Entitlement Management, select Checkout Restrictions from the left navigation menu.

The status of your Checkout Restrictions is displayed at the top of this page

Disable and Enable Checkouts

By default, checkouts will be enabled. To disable all checkouts, simply toggle the Checkouts Enabled toggle.

When Checkouts have been disabled, the toggle will change to read Checkouts Disabled. The options for Maximum Duration of Checkout and to enable Restrictions will be unavailable. To enable checkouts, click the Checkouts Disabled toggle. 

This does not disable checkouts that already exist. This only disables new checkouts from being created.

Set Maximum Checkout Duration

With Checkouts Enabled, you may adjust the length of time that a user may check out a license. This applies to all applications.

The maximum value you may enter here is 365 days. If an invalid value is entered, the box will highlight in red and will automatically reset to the previous valid value.

Enable Restrictions

With Checkouts Enabled, you may enable restrictions on individual applications. Simply click the Restrictions Disabled toggle to grant the ability to create restrictions on individual applications.

When restrictions are enabled, the Current Setting text will be in red to highlight that restrictions have not been added.

Restrict an Application

With Restrictions Enabled, use the Select Application search bar to find an application. You may use the Select all checkbox to select all applications at once. To select specific applications, begin typing any part of the application name and predictive text will show options that fit your criteria as you type.

When you have clicked on an application, the search bar will keep track of your selections. You may click the X to un-select it, begin typing again to select more applications, or click the Add button.

After you have finished making your selections and clicked Add, your selected applications will now be available for restrictions. In this case, only two applications have been selected.

ApplicationApplication name.
RestrictionSet the number of simultaneous checkouts allowed. This number cannot exceed the Current Checkouts or Quantity Owned. If it needs to be set larger than Current Checkouts, ask users to check their license back in and click the Refresh icon in the top right of the page.
Current CheckoutsNumber of checkouts currently active for the application. This value is checked when the page is loaded. Click on the Refresh icon in the top-right of the page to check for the latest value.
Quantity OwnedNumber of licenses owned for the application.
ActionsActions available for the application. Currently, only Delete is present.

As with the settings at the top of the page, all changes you make to application restrictions will be automatically saved as you work.

Remove Restrictions on an Application

To remove checkout restrictions on an application, click the trash can icon at the end of the row. To remove checkout restrictions for multiple applications at once, use the checkboxes and the trash can icon near the search box.

 Import Restrictions from SELECTserver

Note: As of December 15th, 2021, this functionality has been disabled.

To import checkout restrictions previously configured for a site from SELECTserver, click the Import from SELECTserver icon ( ) in the Restricted Applications section. You will be presented with the following form where you can choose one of the Activation keys that have been mapped to the currently selected country. Once a key is chosen, the tool will display the list of products marked as "Enabled" for checkouts and quantities in SELECTserver and that will be added to the list of Restricted Applications.

Note: If the product is already in the list of Restricted Applications, it will not be listed again in the SELECTserver Checkout Restrictions form. 

Clicking Import will then add those products to the list of Restricted Applications in Entitlement Management.  You can repeat this for any number of sites you need to build up the list of applications that are allowed to be checked out for the chosen country.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a way to make Checkout Restrictions for one country and copy it to other countries?

Not at this time. You must make Checkout Restrictions manually for each country.

Can I set a Restriction lower than the Current Checkouts?

No, a restriction cannot be set lower than the number of current checkouts. To enter a desired lower number, contact your users and ask them to check in their licenses. After that is complete, you may use the refresh button in the top right of the page to fetch the new number of current checkouts.

How do I migrate my current Checkout Restrictions from SELECTServer?

Unfortunately, that is not possible and checkout restrictions will have to be completed again in Entitlement Management.

What happens if a user tries to check out a license but checkouts are disabled or the restriction has been reached?

The user will receive a message in the Bentley Licensing Tool which reads "Not enough licenses for [Product ID]"

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