Software Activation as a non-SELECT Account

Dear Valued Users:

We wanted to inform you of an upcoming change to how you register your machines to use Bentley solutions when you have no active SELECT subscription. Organizations with no subscription will no longer be able to pool their perpetual licenses across machines.  Historically, these organizations were only authorized to use node-locked licenses. These licenses were then managed with a license file that was distributed to the organization and could be imported on the physical machines that would be running Bentley software.

 In the coming weeks, this node-lock mechanism will be changing. Instead of a license file, the list of valid machines that are allowed to use a product license will be maintained in the Subscription Entitlement Service (SES). This will provide a more convenient way to manage the machines using the organization’s licenses and still adhere to the licensing policy for non-SELECT accounts.


Bentley Systems’ License Policy for non-SELECT accounts

Pooled licensing is a shared license entitlement between multiple machines and is strictly a benefit of Bentley’s SELECT Program. In the absence of a SELECT subscription, a perpetual license only confers a product use entitlement for a single user on a single machine. Moreover, the reassignment or transfer of perpetual licenses for users who are not SELECT subscribers is intended to accommodate situations where a user has replaced their machine. For further information about restrictions for perpetual licenses, please consult the End User License Agreement that accompanied the product download.


To provide you with more clarity around this change, we have put together this Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document. If you have any questions that are not addressed here, please feel free to put in a Licensing and User Admin Service Request.


Do I need to worry about this if I have a subscription?

No. This only applies to accounts that own licenses of one or more products and do not have a subscription.

This enforcement, also, does not apply to Practitioner licenses.  Access to those named-user licenses are managed separately.


How will this new mechanism work?

As requests for product entitlements are received, SES will check if the machine is in the list of registered machines for the product. Machines that are registered will be able to continue activating the product. If the machine is not in the list, SES checks to see if there are any free licenses that could be assigned to the machine. If there are, your organization’s administrator will add the machine to the list.


How can I manage the list of registered machines?

Organization administrators will be able to manage the list of machines through the Entitlement Management portal. If there are any free licenses, the administrator can add machines that should have access to the product.


To see more about how to manage the list of registered machines, please see Machine Registration for non-SELECT accounts


Will this only apply to SES-license product versions?

No. This new node-locking mechanism will apply to product versions licensed through SELECTserver and through SES.


Is there anything I need to do before this is enabled?

If you have the product installed on more machines than the number of licenses you own, it is recommended that you register the machines that should be allowed to use the product before this new node-locking mechanism is enabled. Otherwise, the list of registered machines will be set as the requests come in—on a first come, first served basis—until all licenses are assigned.  That list will then be locked-in until the end of the current calendar quarter.


Will users have to be signed in to use their products?

Yes. Users of SES-licensed product versions will have to sign-in to CONNECTION Client to get their product entitlement.


How can I go about registering my machines?

Please click here to get step-by-step instructions on how to register your machines.


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